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 A portable and easy to use Application Launcher. Launches program, file, folder and website. Stand alone, no installation required. Can be used from flash drive. myLauncher works as the ''Run'' command works in windows. User type a word (Command) and an item, just a single item opens. No menus or popup pops up where from to choose the item. No short limit on how many items can be added to Launch List. Very efficient, if used from a flash drive can manage Launch List of multiple PCs as well as the Launch List of the flash drive that it is running from, add web url in Launch List (as bookmarks) and open those urls in any machine that the flash drive is connected to, in other word, carry your bookmarks in your pocket. Takes little screen area, can stay on screen without disturbing user at all in any way. Minimizes on screen, keeps only the Main Text box in view to enable user to launch items. Add items (application, file, folder, website) to Launch List setting a unique and easy to remember Launch Name for each item. To launch the item next time type a 2 character Command Code and the Launch Name (no space in between Command Code and Launch Name) in the text box of the main window and press ''enter'' key on the keyboard. myLauncher has a handy QuickLauncher which can launch a number of items from Launch List just by one mouse click. The program has a few color settings, call it ''Theme'' or whatever you like. The program was tested only on windows 7 and Windows 10. But, since it is created using 32-bit Visual Basic, it may run on some other versions of windows too if VB Runtime files are installed. Though myLauncher has similarity with name and functionality with author''s another program, new myLauncher is completely different than the old one. Old one has been discontinued for long time and author is not hosting that any more. Since this new myLauncher doesn''t communicate with old myLauncher in any way, it can not be used as an upgrade of the old one.
 http://www.rutanil.netLast Updated on 7/16/2020 3:54:00 AM

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