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 One of the biggest ''improvements'' that Mozilla claims is to Firefox''s memory usage, in particular, the vanquishing of memory leaks. If you thought it was too good to be true you were right. Firefox still uses a lot of memory - way too much memory for a web browser. It''s quite normal for Firefox to be sucking up over 200MB of memory right off the bat. Firemin can decrease Firefox''s memory usage to as low as 10MB and stop your computer from running out of memory. It does this by calling a safe none-intrusive API function that tells Firefox processes to release their unused memory and significantly decrease Firefox''s memory usage. Furthermore, Firemin can do this a few times per second keeping Firefox''s memory usage as low as possible. The method Firemin uses to decrease Firefox memory usage is not proven and the debate over if it works or not, will go on until the end of time, but the logic remains; if it works for you, use it and if it does not, don''t use it. It is really that simple.
 https://www.rizonesoft.com/Last Updated on 2/17/2018 4:35:00 PM

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