| Rating: 0 | | Total Hits - 28 | | | "Polygon: change of inventory" - the program of preparation of electronic documents to make changes in the characteristics of land plots and real estate objects (addresses, type of destination, type of use, information about objects of cultural heritage, etc.) in the state cadastre of real estate the state authorities and local self-government.
The program generates an XML file as a new XSD schema KAISToGKN_v05 (version 05) and the scheme KAISToGKN_v03 (version 03), as well as XSD schema STD_KAIS (version 02).
The program "Polygon: Change in inventory" is the independent program having the intuitive user interface, simple and convenient, serves for creation of electronic documents (XML-files), intended to convey information about changes in the characteristics of land and real estate in the cadastre office.
Information about changes of characteristics of real estate can transfer the bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation, bodies of local self-government, and according to the document format, the applicant may be a government body and a legal entity.
In the program You will be able to enter all the necessary information about the changes. To enter the required directories, the address classifier. After entering the information can be checked for compliance with the format (XML schema), to sign a document digitally. All the data you can also print in Microsoft Word or Writer (OpenOffice.org).
With the help of this program You will be able to submit data electronically (XML) to the authority of the cadastral registration without payment to intermediary organizations.
New in version:
Version 4.0.1 from 30.09.2016 G.
The program is modified in accordance with the new Order of Rosreestr from 15.09.2016, P/0465. The program allows you to upload electronic documents to the new XML schema version 05 (scheme KAISToGKN_v05). | | http://pbprog.ru | Last Updated on 1/10/2017 7:47:00 AM |
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