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 Here''s How You Can Use The Same Profit-Boosting Strategy As Many Of The Big Companies, By Offering Visitors To Your WordPress Blog 24/7 Live Chat Support - Even While You Sleep Do you know what the majority of your visitors will do when they see something on your blog that they are unsure about? The answer is actually quite simple, but may surprise you. In most cases, the visitor will just leave your site. You probably have a contact form or helpdesk, so people can easily ask you a question. But tests have shown that most people couldn''t be bothered to fill out a form, fill in the captcha box and then wait around for an email reply. It''s all just too much hassle. So instead, most visitors will just move on - and forget all about your offer. That''s why so many of the big companies now offer live chat on their websites, to give visitors an easier way to ask questions. But of course these companies have dedicated support staff, who can be available to answer questions at any time of the day or night. For a small business, it''s just not practical to provide that sort of 24/7 support. Which is where our new WP Support Bot comes in. WP Support Bot allows you to easily add an automated live chat feature to your blog. The chat window works just like a real live chat, but the responses are all fully automated, so you get the benefits of live chat, without having to actually provide live support.
 http://logicfish.co.ukLast Updated on 12/6/2016 3:32:00 AM

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