Handling of Accounting with Account Pro software is very easily and efficiently. Besides Account Pro software tool, all accounting application tool have erroneous entries which needs either to neutralized (canceled) or corrected by additional entries, but Account Pro software tool allows direct correction of such entries. Account Pro software tool avoids the terms 'Debit' and 'Credit' for data entry and uses sign due to this data entry much faster and easier as compared to other account tool. Nevertheless, the displays and printouts are in accordance with normal accounting terminology. In addition to the normal accounting capabilities, the program has special capabilities that allow efficient financial planning and forecasting. Monthly budgets as well as monthly forecasts can be entered for every expense and revenue account. Monthly and yearly planning reports facilitate an overview of the system as a whole. With these features, realistic forecasts of the financial result at the end of the accounting period can be made at any time. An accounting period can have a length of between two days and one year. It can start in any month and it may overlap two calendar years. The data capacities are as follows: - 2000 accounting systems - 20000 accounts per system - 200,000 (double entry) transactions per system and business year - 200 standard transactions - 200 recurring transactions - 200 currencies - 2000 cost centers/projects.
Last Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
Rated By: E9z8rkcZu
From: sXKewWKLiq
Date: 10/13/2014 9:43:00 AM
Comments: Pour avoir teste9 je pre9fe8re sliderBright.SBbrightness est bcp trop bas et tuchoe preSque les icf4nes du dock alors un coup tu baisses la linosite9 et un coup tu lances par me9garde le iPod ou safari.Ils ont voulu e9viter de couvrir les dots des pages du springboard mais du coup c est rate9.Re9sultat je suis revenu tre8s vite e0 sliderBright qui est en plus beau Oum plus classe avec son effet bouton en acier et son impression de ZIP e0 la fermeture.SliderBright eT sur la source :repo.hackyouriphone.orgMoi je lis les news sur mon iPhone la nuit dans le noir avant de me coucher alors je baisse a fond la luminosite9 mais le proble8me au lever du jour quand je sors de chez moi pour aller au taf je me retrouvais dehors en plein soleil avec un e9cran impossible e0 distinguer.Je gale8re donc pour remettre la luminosite9 avec sbsettings.Ce Tweak me rend la vie plus pratique.
Rated By: Admin
From: Admin
Date: 11/26/2007 7:24:00 AM
Comments: Add Software Review for Business Account Software