| Rating: 1 | | Total Hits - 121 | | | MGuard and the MGuard Registry````Many people do not realize that sending e-mail over the Internet is much like``sending a postcard through the regular mail -- your e-mail message can be``read by anyone along the entire delivery path, including your Internet``service provider. Whether you use a national provider such as AOL, GTE``Internet, etc., or a regional or local one, your e-mail is vulnerable if it``is not protected.````You may be thinking, I dont send anything important enough to be``protected. But consider even the last few e-mail messages you have sent.``Would you like the contents of any of those messages to be made public? How``about file attachments? Pictures? Spreadsheets?````Encryption software has been around for a while. You might have read about``PGP or RSA. The security industry is filled with terms like public key``encryption, digital signatures, asymmetrical and symmetrical encoding``systems. It all sounds complicated -- and it is. ````MGuard uses several encryption techniques together to insure that your``information is secure. It confirms Digital Signatures using a 160-bit SHA``function. It encrypts and decrypts using the 256-bit version of AES``candidate, TwoFish (created by the team led by Bruce Schneier, author of the``famous Blowfish algorithm). The encryption and decryption are performed using``keys generated by Elliptic Curve public key encryption. This technology``features 160-bit key length -- roughly equivalent to 1024-bit RSA. Thats why``we are proud of our MGuard program. It is a high-quality message and file``encryption software program that is easy to use. ````Highlights of the MGuard Registry and software include:```` * Secure, high-quality encryption`` * Free, easy to use software`` * No knowledge of encryption needed`` * Compatible with all major e-mail programs`` * Optional password protection and locking function`` * Client feature allows inexpensive sponsoring of others at no charge to``them`` * Multiple identities (if you have more than one e-mail address)`` * Encryption of files as well as selected text`` * Small size -- the free program will fit on a floppy for easy distribution`` * and more...```` ### | | http://www.mguard.com | Last Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM |
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