DexterWire is a fork of the very popular LimeWire Gnutella client. The purpose of DexterWire is to keep and maintain the freedoms that LimeWire may be forced to withdraw.LimeWire has been considering an alternative path to keep them out of any legal situations they could be forced into. From what we understand, LimeWire intends to implement a DRM filtering technology into their client.
Last Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
Rated By: qyz4lpjO
From: jrCMGQrf
Date: 4/27/2016 8:41:00 PM
Comments: Tulipas hyvään saumaan postaus! Olen meinaan ensi vuoden alussa lähdössä lomailemaan Berliiniin. Mikä tuon marketin nimi on ja mistä sen löytää? Muitakin Bee-ninilviikkrjä otan kaikilta mielelläni vastaan...