Ipod eBook Maker V1.0
This program is well designed for ipod users. Ipod eBook Maker can easily convert .html, .txt files to eBook files which is fit for Ipod, Ipod Mini and Ipod Nano.
- Intellectualized cut Since the Ipod only can support the file with the size of 4K, Ipod eBook Maker can intellectualized cut the end of 4K files.It can automatic find the end of the paragraph, sentence and word. So it will not seperate the
Last Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
Rated By: 8IjFyxmz
From: MQeB8UiYnUW
Date: 4/27/2016 1:49:00 PM
Comments: Sounds a bit suss imo. I would have held off posting this information until more information came to hand. After all the site is very new…Also did a who is search on the dotaRn:iegismrant Search: “Gina Bell” owns about 210 other domains
Rated By: NXbunzgjBah
From: PjteuhSbhqf
Date: 11/12/2011 6:57:00 PM
Comments: Walking in the presence of giants here. Cool tnihknig all around!