Few Lines to add in your Form_Load event and you will get full control over your form and all included (TextBox - Lables-Buttons-Grid-Recordset) and all related events (Leave-paint-Keypress-AfterColEdit-OnAddNew-Click-MouseEnter-MouseLeave-MouseDown-Enter)
Last Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
Rated By: QzraYLGX7Pa5
From: IECqWQEr43lc
Date: 11/25/2015 9:31:00 AM
Comments: The question of diinefng different pages on the same Form comes up only when you have plenty of data fields which will not fit on one screen-full and need more space on the same form. As I have explained in my article 10 inch width and 5 inch height are arbitrary values that I have selected to explain the usage. These can be changed according to the User''s screen width or as per their specific requirement. There are several other options available to the user, to logically arrange information on different pages, and the Tab Control is one of them.
Rated By: Admin
From: Admin
Date: 3/18/2005 1:32:00 PM
Comments: Add Software Review for DC Binding Recordset