AscToTab converts plain or tab-delimited text tables into HTML ``or RTF tables.````For plain text files AscToTab will attempt to automatically :-```` - determine how many columns the table has`` - determine the default alignment of each column`` - determine which rows are header rows```` - spot entries that span several columns`` - spot entries that span several rows.````Additionally the user can select (for HTML creation)```` - BORDER attribute`` - WIDTH attribute`` - CELLPADDING and CELLSPACING attributes`` - BGCOLOR and BORDERCOLOR attributes`` - a CAPTION`` - the *actual* header size, and a number of columns to be marked up ``in`` ... markup (bold).````AscToTab is offered as freeware under Windows and OpenVMS. It is``a spin-off of the AscToHTM (and forthcoming AscToRTF) products``offered as shareware by the same author.````New in this version are```` - the ability to output to RTF`` - the ability to process tab-delimited files`` - the Windows interface (previously this was a console application)`` - the ability to colour odd and even rows of the table differently