PC Life + 2000 v3.0.2, The Y2K compliance foundation for your Windows ``PCs.````Windows95/98 PCs running PC Life + 2000 will keep accurate time and ``date beyond 2000 irrespective of the Y2K compliance status of the PCs ``RTC and/or BIOS. ````Fantastic New 1999 Offer of $28.00 for 3 PC Licenses !!!````No need to test PCs! `` ``This is a universal solution! It is not an RTC or BIOS patch! It is ``not dependant on Century Bytes in the RTC! It works with every known ``combination of RTC and BIOS.````PC Life + 2000 provides several additional Y2K management services, ``including:```` Date Format Y2K compliance.`` Date Format Locking.`` Date Change Range Control.`` Date Change Logging.`` Date Virus Intercept.````These additional Y2K services are desirable whether your PCs RTC is ``compliant or not. Many programs use the System Date Format (usually ``the short date format) to interpret and output dates. We have found ``that many otherwise non Y2K compliant software applications became ``compliant when the short date format was forced to a four digit year.````PC Life + 2000 also eliminates the Crouch Echlin Effect (TD, Time ``Dilation).`` ``PC Life + 2000 is an important product for all PCs, including those ``with compliant RTCs !````Additional PC Life + 2000 features include:````Date Calculator.``Analog Clock and Date.``Current Solar Position in the Zodiac``Current Lunar Position in the Zodiac``Current Lunar Phase.``RTC accuracy adjustment.````PC Life + 2000 - The Y2K compliance foundation for your Windows PCs.````Visit us at: www.pclife.com.au