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 Since 1988, VAR Grade has been designed ``to be a flexible, complete, and capable ``grading program. VGW 2.0 allows you to ``grade, record attendance, and do seating ``charts for your classes. This is a ``complete grading system, and will do just ``about anything that you need or want to ``do regarding class records. In particular, ``it will allow you to record, analyze, and ``print grades and attendance, do seating ``charts, and have database items. It is ``also fully internet capable. Below is a ``list of some of the features of this ``program. In general, the program allows ``an almost unlimited number of students, ``grades, attendance, database items, ``reports and analyses.````This program is flexible enough to allow ``you to grade your class with the same ``methods you now use--except that VGW does ``the tedious chores of adding, plotting, ``and writing the scores. The program has ``been written by and for teachers and ``requires no special knowledge of computers, ``Windows, or MS-DOS. However, you do need ``to know the basics of how to start and run ``programs.````VGW can be used for both grades and ``attendance. You may grade with either ``letter or number grades, and you can mix ``and match letter and number grades. You ``can change the points of any assignment ``or score at any time. You can use many ``different types of pre-defined assignments ``(tasks), including ones that are the sums, ``averages, and weights of other tasks. ``Any task or combination of tasks can be ``plotted, correlated, and analyzed ``statistically.````Attendance and seating charts for your ``classes can be recorded. VGW can print ``attendance for each day, or total the ``attendance a myriad of ways. ````Either individual student scores or ``scores for each section of the class can ``be printed. You can also add database ``items, such as address, age, and year in ``school.````International users can change all text ``that is printed, date formats, and other ``country dependent information.````VGW will allow you to:``+ have up to 32,000 students, with 10,000 assignments per student``+ divide the class into as many sections (groups) as you want``+ have up to 240 days of student attendance``+ have up to 200 database items``+ have up to 5 seating charts per section of students``+ have an unlimited number of classes``+ have up to 100 different grading systems per class
 http://www.varedsw.comLast Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM

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Rated By: AdminFrom: AdminDate: 2/7/1999 7:56:00 PM
Comments: Add Software Review for VAR Grade for Windows


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