The Query Tool is a powerful data mining application. It allows you to perform data analysis upon any OLEDB datasource. Data can be sorted, filtered, printed and exported to a variety of formats. You can produce charts, summaries and x-tab reports as well as build complex queries via the Query Builder. It has been developed predominately for the non technical user. No knowledge of SQL is required, all actions are data driven point and click.
Last Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
Rated By: ljHObhyV9T
From: 67XCxHGQdRr
Date: 4/27/2016 10:04:00 PM
Comments: Was noch bleibt ist die Frage, ob er sich in der Einksufspasaage versteckt oder von außen (Willsdrufer Strasse) sichtbar sein wird? Mir sind zumindest keine weiteren News unter gekommen.