This Auto Email Collector silently saves URLs while you browse or begins with One Targeted Web Site. It will Search the Site Along With every Link, and all their links, going on FOREVER, collecting email Addresses. Email Addresses are written to a text file and can be separated by any character the User enters. The reason this program works is because of its ability to Reassemble URL addresses and email addresses by decoding the HTML. This means that relative URLs are no problem, and this program never waists time downloading anything unnecessary, such as large image files. As it rapidly collects a database of URLs to search out, it maintains around 200-600 URLs at all times. The idea is, with the right starting web page, it will spider the web forever collecting emails.
Last Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
Rated By: Anonymous
From: Unavailable
Date: 1/21/2002 10:58:00 PM
Rated By: Admin
From: Admin
Date: 12/13/2001 3:54:00 PM
Comments: Add Software Review for Snow Ball Spider