| Rating: 0 | | Total Hits - 0 | | | ADVANTAGES AND LIMITATIONS OF INDUSTRIAL 2 OF 5 BARCODE: Advantages: *Industrial 2 of 5 barcodes are simple, compact, and versatile barcodes. *They consist of only two types of bars, making them easy to produce and read using barcode scanning equipment. *They offer high density of data storage, allowing more data to be encoded into a smaller space. *They are also low cost, requiring minimal printing and scanning equipment, making them an attractive option for small businesses. Limitations: *Software have limited data capacity, limiting their ability to encode large amounts of data. *It can only encode numbers and some special characters, not alphanumeric characters or symbols. *Poor error correction can lead to data errors and production delays. Barcode''s black and white design can limit its use of colours and printing methods. CHARACTERS CAN ENCODED IN INDUSTRIAL 2 OF 5 BARCODE: Industrial 2 of 5 is binary system used to encode data in barcodes. Each character is represented by series of 5 bars and spaces, with 2 being wider than other 3 bars. System converts numerical value of a character into binary format, then represents binary number using a series of bars and spaces. It is not suitable for encoding text or other characters, but is widely used in industries like inventory management. MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM LENGTH OF INDUSTRIAL 2 OF 5 BARCODE: *Minimum length of Industrial 2 of 5 barcode is determined by number of characters to be encoded, multiplied by five. For example, a four-digit product number would require a 20-unit barcode. *Maximum length is determined by number of characters or digits it can encode, typically around 20 characters or 100 units long. Factors Affecting Barcode Length: *Barcode''s length is determined by amount of data needed to be encoded, with more data requiring a longer barcode. *Type and quality of scanner used to read barcodes significantly influence its length, with some scanners capable of reading smaller or more complex barcodes. | | https://www.businessbarcodes.net | Last Updated on 2/26/2024 2:59:00 AM |
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