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| The software module "Polygon About: Changes in cadastre" is used to create electronic documents (XML-files), intended to convey information about changes in the characteristics of land and real estate in the cadastre office (CMO).
Information about changes of characteristics of real estate can transfer the bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation, bodies of local self-government, and according to the document format, the applicant may be a legal entity.
With the help of this program You will be able to submit data electronically (XML) to the authority of the cadastral registration without payment to intermediary organizations.
Enter, save, edit transmitted information about the changes to the characteristics of land and real estate objects
Saving data in a separate file, open previously saved data either from the program or by double-clicking the file from Explorer or from start Documents.
Saving previously entered data (persistent data) to re-enter and choose from the list
You enter the address using the address of the classifier (FIAS). The FIAS database is updated automatically from the website of Federal information address system
Import information from an XML file into the program
Withdrawal information print office software Microsoft Word or the free OpenOffice Writer
Configure document templates to print: the ability to change the design, font, add fillable fields
All the documents after printing can be easily edited in Microsoft Word (Writer)
Export data in XML format for submission to the authority of the cadastral registration in electronic form (XML file)
Verification of the electronic document (an XML file) the XML schema and logical test
The signing of the enhanced qualified electronic signature (250-FZ 01.10.2013 g.), the signature verification Program can work with both signed and unsigned
Create a ZIP archive for delivery to the cadastre office |
| http://pbprog.ru | Last Updated on 12/20/2016 5:25:00 AM |
| Download | Version 1.4.21 |
| Rating: 0 |
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| The software module "Polygon Pro: Print XML" designed for printing all of the XML files, including those received in Rosreestra (CBT, cadastral extracts and passports memory, statements and certificates ACS, etc.) and handed over to the Russian state register (hoar, technical plans, maps, plans, etc.).
XML files that can be printed in the program module "Polygon Pro: Print XML":
Cadastral plan of the territory (versions 08, 09, 10)
Cadastral extract on the land plot (versions 05, 06, 07)
The cadastral passport of the land plot (versions 04, 05, 06)
Certificate of the cadastral value (versions 01, 02, 03)
Cadastral passport of object of capital construction (version 02, 03, 04)
Cadastral extract about object of capital construction (versions 01, 02, 03)
Cadastral extract on the zone site (version 01)
Cadastra statement about the boundaries between entities (version 01)
Notice the lack of information in GKN (version 02, 03)
The decision about registration, refusal, correction, cancellation, etc. (version 01, 02)
Certificate of termination of existence of object of the account (version 01)
USRR: Statement of rights, rights holders, the lack of information, etc. (version 03, 04, 05, 06)
The landmark plan (versions 05, 06)
Technical plan (version 02, 03)
New in version:
Version from 13.12.2016:
Added the ability to print accounting document in the system of doing orders.
The launch window is now minimized and the icon appears on the taskbar in the notification area.
In the start screen added button "customize and control Polygon Pro" for quick access to the main functions of the platform "Ground".
Minor changes to comments and suggestions of users. |
| http://pbprog.ru | Last Updated on 12/28/2016 2:31:00 AM |
| Download | Version 1.4.21 |
| Rating: 0 |
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| The software module "Polygon Pro: the landmark plan" is for registration of a survey plan documents and drawings for the production of land for state cadastre registration and for changes of land formation in both printed and electronic documents (XML-files in the new version of the 06 and 05), create ZIP files, the signature file electronic signature and sending documents in Rosreestr.
New in version:
Version from 13.12.2016:
Added the ability to install root CA certificate.
Added the ability to print accounting document in the system of doing orders.
The launch window is now minimized and the icon appears on the taskbar in the notification area.
In the start screen added button "customize and control Polygon Pro" for quick access to the main functions of the platform "Ground".
Added auto-numbering of circuits in the table of coordinates.
Provides the ability to move the contours in the tables of coordinates.
You can change the order of the points in the circuit.
In accumulated lists of points of a geodetic network in the "Original" section, in addition to the parameters of the geodetic network is now saved and its name. When you add a point of the geodetic network in the column "! The type of mark geodetic network" from the list, select the desired item to fill all the cells and the name of the item in the tree will be replaced.
Minor changes to comments and suggestions of users. |
| http://pbprog.ru | Last Updated on 12/27/2016 2:46:00 AM |
| Download | Version 1.4.21 |
| Rating: 0 |
| Total Hits - 34 | Hits Today - 0 | View Ratings | Add Your Rating |
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| License "Range: Max" is designed to form a boundary and technical plans, maps (plans), layouts of the memory on CBT and many other documents required for cadastral registration. "Range: Max" provides for the creation of documents both electronic and in printed form with the possibility of sending in bodies rosreestra. You will be able to work without leaving your home or office via the Internet.
Compliance standard:
Each module that is part of the license "Range: Max", developed in full compliance with the relevant regulations.
New in version:
Version from 13.12.2016:
Added new module "Polygon Pro: Change the inventory."
Added the ability to install root CA certificate.
Added the ability to print accounting document in the system of doing orders.
The launch window is now minimized and the icon appears on the taskbar in the notification area.
In the start screen added button "customize and control Polygon Pro" for quick access to the main functions of the platform "Ground".
Added auto-numbering of circuits in the table of coordinates.
Provides the ability to move the contours in the tables of coordinates.
You can change the order of the points in the circuit.
In accumulated lists of points of a geodetic network in the "Original" section, in addition to the parameters of the geodetic network is now saved and its name. When you add a point of the geodetic network in the column "! The type of mark geodetic network" from the list, select the desired item to fill all the cells and the name of the item in the tree will be replaced.
Minor changes to comments and suggestions of users. |
| http://pbprog.ru | Last Updated on 12/26/2016 5:17:00 AM |
| Download | Version 1.4.21 |
| Rating: 1 |
| Total Hits - 32 | Hits Today - 0 | View Ratings | Add Your Rating |
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| The software module "Polygon Pro: Manager''s Monitor" is used for the effective control of work of employees of cadastral organization.
Centralized control system of all employees. You are always up to date with the control system.
An invisible mode. You know what makes an employee in the program, for example, when the order is created, the uploaded XML file, sent documents to the Federal registration service, etc.
Control of working time. You know how much time employees spend on specific tasks, and can easily identify the intended use of the working time.
Detailed data about the actions of staff in the program, for example, creating an order, generating XML file, send the ZIP to Rosreestr, etc.
Prevention work on third-party orders. You will always be aware of, compliance with labor discipline your employees and not whether the third-party orders using the programs You have purchased.
The legality of tracking. Using the program, You do not violate current legislation of the Russian Federation.
Minimum cost of acquisition and operation. Save time and money - to monitor all employees need to purchase only 1 license.
Manage the database and the users database using the utility "Polygon Pro: database Administration".
Working with the database server located on the network.
New in version:
Version from 13.12.2016:
Added the ability to print accounting document in the system of doing orders.
The launch window is now minimized and the icon appears on the taskbar in the notification area.
In the start screen added button "customize and control Polygon Pro" for quick access to the main functions of the platform "Ground". |
| http://pbprog.ru | Last Updated on 12/27/2016 4:01:00 AM |
| Download | Version 1.4.21 |
| Rating: 0 |
| Total Hits - 33 | Hits Today - 0 | View Ratings | Add Your Rating |
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| License "Polygon Pro: Municipality" - software for the development and approval of bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation and bodies of local self-government maps (plans), layouts of the memory on the CPC, the registers for changing inventory and many other documents to pass them to the bodies of cadastral registration (CMOS). "Polygon Pro: Municipality" provides for the creation of documents both in electronic and in printed form.
Compliance standard:
Each module that is part of the license "Polygon Pro: Municipality" which was developed in full compliance with the relevant regulations. |
| http://pbprog.ru | Last Updated on 12/27/2016 7:58:00 AM |
| Download | Version 1.4.21 |
| Rating: 1 |
| Total Hits - 34 | Hits Today - 0 | View Ratings | Add Your Rating |
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| The software module "Polygon Pro: Project surveying" is used for registration of the project land-surveying of land plots (educated at the expense of land shares of agricultural land), drawn up in accordance with the requirements, approved by order of Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation from August 3, 2011, No. 388, as amended by the order of Ministry of economic development of Russia dated 11.02.2014 N 55 (entered into force on 06.04.2014). A software module is designed for surveyors, land surveyors, cadastral engineers.
New in version:
Version from 13.12.2016:
Added the ability to install root CA certificate.
Added the ability to print accounting document in the system of doing orders.
The launch window is now minimized and the icon appears on the taskbar in the notification area.
In the start screen added button "customize and control Polygon Pro" for quick access to the main functions of the platform "Ground".
Added auto-numbering of circuits in the table of coordinates.
Provides the ability to move the contours in the tables of coordinates.
You can change the order of the points in the circuit.
Minor changes to comments and suggestions of users.
Compliance standard:
The program meets all the requirements to draft a survey of object of land management approved by:
by order of the Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation from August 3, 2011, No. 388 "On approval of requirements for the project land-surveying of land",
Rev. order of Ministry of economic development of Russia dated 11.02.2014 N 55 "About modification of requirements to the project land-surveying of land plots, approved by the order of Ministry of economic development of Russia from August 3, 2011 N 388" (entered into force 06.04.2014) |
| http://pbprog.ru | Last Updated on 12/28/2016 4:08:00 AM |
| Download | Version 1.4.21 |
| Rating: 0 |
| Total Hits - 36 | Hits Today - 0 | View Ratings | Add Your Rating |
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| The software module "Polygon Pro: the Scheme KPT" is used to prepare the schemes of location of land plot on the cadastral plan of the territory for presentation to the Executive authority or local authority for state cadastral registration of land.
Creates an electronic document (XML file) at the 01 version of the XML schema in accordance with the Order of Rosreestr from 11.06.2015 g. N P/289.
In accordance with the Order of Ministry of economic development No. 762 dated 27.11.2014, the layout of the land determines the projected location of the boundaries and area of the land plot or land plots, which are expected to form and(or) to change.
The scheme of location of the land plot is prepared based on the information about GKN certain area (KPT - the cadastral plan of territory).
New in version:
Version from 13.12.2016:
Added the ability to install root CA certificate.
Added the ability to print accounting document in the system of doing orders.
The launch window is now minimized and the icon appears on the taskbar in the notification area.
In the start screen added button "customize and control Polygon Pro" for quick access to the main functions of the platform "Ground".
Added auto-numbering of circuits in the table of coordinates.
Provides the ability to move the contours in the tables of coordinates.
You can change the order of the points in the circuit.
Minor changes to comments and suggestions of users. |
| http://pbprog.ru | Last Updated on 12/28/2016 6:44:00 AM |
| Download | Version 1.4.21 |
| Rating: 0 |
| Total Hits - 33 | Hits Today - 0 | View Ratings | Add Your Rating |
| |
| The software module "Polygon Pro: view of the boundaries" is used for creating XML documents in the implementation of information interaction at conducting GKN with the bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation or bodies of local self-government information about the establishment or change of borders between subjects of the Russian Federation, borders of municipalities, borders of settlements. (XML schema: BoundToGKN_v03.
The program was developed in accordance with the regulations:
The decree of the Russian Government of July 30, 2009 №621 "On approval of the form of the map (plan) of object of land management and requirements for its preparation" (text document).
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from 17.05.2016 N 444 "About modification of some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation". Takes effect from 01.06.2016 G.
The Federal law from 23.07.2013 N 250-FZ "On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation regarding the state registration of rights and state cadastral accounting of real estate objects".
XML schema is used to generate XML documents in the implementation of information interaction at conducting the state cadastre of real estate with the bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation in respect of information about establishment or change of borders between subjects of the Russian Federation, borders of municipalities, borders of the settlement. - Approved by the Order of Rosreestr from 01.08.2014 № P/369 (see diagram). Version 03.
For drawings: "guidelines for the conduct of cadastral works on land plots that allow the preparation of documents for submission to the authority of cadastral (boundary)", developed by JSC "Moscow scientific research and design Institute of land resources and land".
Federal law of 06.04.2011 N 63-FZ (red. ot 05.04.2013) "On electronic signature". |
| http://pbprog.ru | Last Updated on 12/30/2016 3:45:00 AM |
| Download | Version 1.5.5 |
| Rating: 0 |
| Total Hits - 30 | Hits Today - 0 | View Ratings | Add Your Rating |
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| The software module "Polygon Pro: Accounting zones" - it is used to create XML document that reproduces the information contained in the decision (agreement notification) of the authorized body on the establishment, change, termination of existence, territorial zones, zones with special conditions of use of territories, territory of object of cultural heritage or its protection zones, special economic zones, the implementation of information interaction at conducting the state cadastre of real estate with the Federal bodies of Executive power, bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation, the highest Executive bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation,bodies of local self-government.
XML schema electronic documents generated in the software module (approved by Federal service for state registration):
XML schema version 05 (ZoneToGKN_v05) Is Approved by the Order of Rosreestr from 15.09.2016, N P/0465
XML schema version 03 (ZoneToGKN_v03) Is Approved by the Order of Rosreestr from 01.08.2014 N 369 |
| http://pbprog.ru | Last Updated on 12/30/2016 5:39:00 AM |
| Download | Version 1.5.5 |