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 Crushpop is a tool that will rid your computer of pop-up windows. This program works on and off the Internet, and is powerful enough to close any program or window on your computer. It will also show you everything that is hidden and running on your system. This program features drag-and-drop functionality, so it is easy to use. Works with ANY Browser!
 http://megasolutions.hypermart.netLast Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 2000.2
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 Cycode is a program that will allow you to Encode text files and Decode ``them.``It has many features like Office 97-Like toolbar, Base 64 Encoding, ``File Passwords, ``cut-copy-paste text and run email program among others. Very easy to ``use and pretty ``fast too. If you dont want people reading your text files or your ``email, then this ``program is for you! Needs Visual Basic Runtimes 5(sp3) at homepage.
 http://www2.rpa.net/~proimaging/cycode.zipLast Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 4
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 Enhanced Notepad is good replacement for windows notepad.exe,``not overloaded with huge number of features, but having some nice``Some nice features includes: nice looking toolbar with tooltips,``changeable fonts, enhanced search & print capabilities, shortcut``keys (Ctrl+O, Ctrl+S etc.). It also remembers last position on``screen and most other parameters.
 http://chissoft.hypermart.net/Last Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 1.1
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 Fast Text Clipboard stores as many text clipboards as you want.
 http://www.alsh+re.comLast Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 1.3
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 Enhance your existing ISP connection with Netsetters exclusive service. Its quick, easy, and free -- without the hassle of installing additional hardware.
 http://www.anweb.netLast Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 2.0
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 This application was developed as a tool for parental control, system administrators, corporate environments, or anywhere that it would be beneficial to have a log of what the user was doing on the computer system. Basically, the software is hidden from the user and records all keystrokes that were used within any program that was opened.
 http://www.code-it.comLast Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 2.0
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 The iCatViewer allows you to publish dynamic information from a database or catalog in a browser, and let the user interactively sort and filter the display results. ``This allows you to quickly publish a database of information on your intranet or internet site, without having to rely on FrontPage extensions, CGI scripts, Exchange servers, or other setup intensive server tools.``The iCatViewers offer the same dynamic features when used on a CD-ROM. ``The viewers are configured with default columns and categories.``You can hide these default, or even add new columns corresponding to the exact nature of the information you want to display. ``You can use your favorite Spreadsheet or Database program (e.g. MS-Excel or Access) to manage your catalog, or if you are web-enabled, manage it over the web.``The iCatViewers provide you with a powerful way to view the data that is in the catalog. ``Because the iCatViewers are Java Applets, they require no setup on the users PCs, no plug-in installation, and can work in any browser, on any platform or any operating system.``More viewers are added regularly, so so check the http://www.mandosoft.com web site.
 http://www.mandosoft.com/icatviewerLast Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 2.2
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 IndexIt - an easy way for browsing through your image files and making index images. ``````IndexIt is a professionally-designed software that provides you the ability of browsing through your gigantic amount of image files and making your index images. Together with ViewIt, the package enables you to manage your images with ease you never experienced before.````Browse all your image files in thumbnail icons without opening them one by one. ``View any image file with ViewIt or your own image editor with a clicking of your mouse. ``Making index images out of those thumbnail icons. ``Encrypt images with your own password. ``Convert images to another format in batches. ``Support more than 40 file formats, such as JPG, TIFF, PSD, PCX, PNG, PCD, TGA, etc. ``Simple and standard user interface. ``Unlimited technical support.
 http://redstone.bizland.comLast Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 3.0
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 InternetNOTE is a replacement for the old Notepad from Windows. Its ``small, its easy to use and its absolutly free. What are the special ``things about it? For example it has Word Warp so if your on the end of ``your screen you dont have to hit the
 http://www.geocities.com/sunsetstrip/stadium/7768/inote.zipLast Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 3.6
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 This program is 100% freeware and bilingual (french/english). Use it to ``manage, filter, view, mask, delete your mIRC and Pirch logs. You cant ``imagine what you can do with this program! To try it is to adopt it and ``it doesnt cost anything! Lots com
 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/patchou/files/IrcLV402.exeLast Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 4.02
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