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 Program to create or edit multi-page DCX or TIFF files. Editing includes: adding or removing pages, changing page order, inserting of new pages from scanner or from almost any graphic file format The DCX or TIFF files can be converted to PDF or EPS. Input formats: multi-page DCX and TIFF files. Output formats: multi-page DCX, TIFF, PDF (Adobe Acrobat) and EPS (PostScript) files.
 http://www.yukudr.comLast Updated on 11/22/2009 5:09:00 AM
 DownloadVersion 1.4f
Rating:   2 Rating Average  
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 Multi-Page TIFF Editor jest kompletnym rozwiazaniem do tworzenia, przegladania, edycji i konwersji wielostronicowych plikow TIFF. Program ten pozwala na wstawianie, edycje, wyodrebnic i usuwanie stron dokumentu TIFF. Plus, mozna tworzyc, edytowac lub usuwac adnotacje (notatki w postaci tekstu, pola, podswietlenia itp.) na stronach wielostronicowego dokumentu TIFF.
 http://www.yukudr.comLast Updated on 2/10/2011 2:03:00 AM
 DownloadVersion 2.0a
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 Multi-Page TIFF Editor e uma solucao completa para criacao, visualizacao, edicao e conversao de arquivos TIFF multi paginas. Este programa permite inserir, editar, extrair ou remover paginas do TIFF documento. Alem disso, voce pode criar, editar ou apagar as anotacoes (notas em forma de texto, destaque etc area) em qualquer pagina do seu documento TIFF multi pagina.
 http://www.yukudr.comLast Updated on 2/20/2011 5:41:00 AM
 DownloadVersion 2.1b
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 Multipagina TIFF Editor es una solucion completa para crear, visualizar, editar y convertir archivos TIFF multipagina. Este programa permite insertar, editar, extraer o eliminar paginas del TIFF documento. Ademas, puede crear, editar o borrar anotaciones (notas en forma de texto, destaco area etc.) en cualquier pagina de su documento TIFF multipagina.
 http://www.yukudr.comLast Updated on 2/10/2011 2:02:00 AM
 DownloadVersion 2.1
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 Multipagina TIFF Editor una soluzione completa per la creazione, la visualizzazione, l''editing e la conversione di file TIFF multipagina. Questo programma permette di inserire, modificare, estrarre o eliminare pagine del TIFF documento. Inoltre, e possibile creare, modificare o eliminare le annotazioni (note in forma di testo, rettangolo ecc.) su qualsiasi pagina del documento TIFF multipagina.
 http://www.yukudr.comLast Updated on 2/10/2011 2:02:00 AM
 DownloadVersion 2.1
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 Redaktor for flersidiga TIFF-filer ar en komplett losning for att skapa, visa, redigera och konvertera flersidiga TIFF- filer. Programmet later dig infoga, redigera, extrahera och ta bort sidor ur TIFF-dokument. Dessutom kan du skapa, redigera eller radera anteckningar (noteringar i form av text, markerade omraden etc.) pa valfri sida i ditt flersidiga TIFF-dokument.
 http://www.yukudr.comLast Updated on 3/11/2011 2:39:00 AM
 DownloadVersion 2.1e
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 !Automatic Photo Editor is an all-in-one photo editor for your batch photo editing converter. Allowing you to easily convert multiple photo/image files at the click of a button. You can batch resize, rotate, stamp text on your images and convert format to others. It's easy to create batch files to automate routine photo processing/conversion tasks.
 http://www.c4soft.comLast Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 2.0
Rating:   6 Rating Average  
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 !Automatic Photo Editor is an all-in-one photo editor for your batch photo editing converter. Allowing you to easily convert multiple photo/image files at the click of a button. You can batch resize, rotate, stamp text on your images and convert format to others. It's easy to create batch files to automate routine photo processing/conversion tasks.
 http://www.c4soft.comLast Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 4.01
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 Fun Photo is fun and easy to use photo blending software. Put yourself, friends and family members on $100 bills! Swap faces and bodies! Change yourself into an astronaut or a personality on a poster. Change photos for practical jokes! FunPhotor support video cameras to take your picture. Text editing lets you add colorful taglines and descriptions. Photos can be created in only 4 simple steps! Registered user can get a lot of Templates
 http://www.c4soft.comLast Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 2.0
Rating:   1 Rating Average  
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 Have you ever heard the saying "laugh until you weep"? No! Don't worry, get Magic Mirror and try a face warp. It's an entertainment package. Whether yours is a group of friend or children, whether you opt for a face warp or warp picture, Magic Mirror will generate a laugh a minute. Magic Mirror is packed with laughter generating tools and all the features you will ever need to turn an ordinary image into something extraordinary.
 http://www.c4soft.comLast Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 2.0
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